Minggu, 19 Mei 2013

Memorable (never I forget)

Sofwan: gracious and smart boy; Anggia: powerful and funny girl; Puspa: chatty but funny person; Ayeshia: very very talkactive, lively girl; Vita: funny and interesting girl; Aditya: indifferent but clever boy.

Amaliah: shy and calmly girl; Wulandari: excited girl ulalala~; Karaeng: smart in English; Afrie: cold boy; Ayu: garrulous girl; Heliani: shy with some people.

Febri: shy boy; Nia: commantary girl, right? hehe; Novita: friendly and adorable girl; Karima: K-pop girl and loner girl; Masitoh: diligent, respectful and funny girl.

Arief: cute boy hehe; Hardi: droll, amusing and humorous boy; Puput: beautiful girl; Della: cleanly girl; Bayanul: jolly girl.

Adelia Ayu: whatever you think about me :p; Rafika: sensation boy; Fahrunissa: shy but clever girl; Ibrahim: funny, like to helping other people; Adelia Intan: confused but Hi-Vi fanatic; Candra: love to read a book; Anastashia: slow to think but smart girl.
Fitri: calm and shy girl; Hesti: amiable girl; Anadia: funny and clever girl: Denny: clever boy like anadia hhee; Adjie: gadget boy..

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